look bike check or my custom frame.
-Marino frame 24" Inspired geometry (1040 wb, 385 cs, +35 bb, 71º haº, 73º saº, integrated rear brake cable guide, integrated headset, mid BB)
-Marino 408mm Fork
-Handbuilt Wheels
-Front wheel: Odyssey Vandero 2 hub 3/8 axle 36 hole laced to DX32 rim with DT swiss spokes, Kenda Krad 24x2.125
-Rear wheel: Odyssey Hazard V3 Hub 14mm axle 36 hole laced to DX32 rim with DT spokes, Kenda Kinetics 24x2.7
-Avid Single Digit 7 brakes and levers
-Stolen Whip Linear brake cables
-Shadow Conspiracy Pivotal 25.4mm Seat Post
-Shadow Conspiracy Crow Pivotal Seat
-Animal Lite V2 22th Chainwheel
-Profile 3pcs 175mm crank
-Wellgo MG-52 Magnesium Pedals
-Shadow Conspiracy Interlock half-link chain
-Odyssey Integrated 45/45 headset
-Thomson Elite Steam (90 mm, 5º rise)
-Sette Duo Riser Bar (1.5" rise, 10º sweep)
-Sette Type-H Lock on grips

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